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August 15 - Cosmology (Presocratics)

Page history last edited by David Walter 12 years ago








Pages: ONLY the Introduction, p.p. 1-8 (pay special attention to the quoted passages of Hesiod and Homer).

File: Pre-Socs-1.pdf


2) Selections from Presocratic Philosophers.

Pages: ALL

Files: Presocratics.pdf


3) Passage from Homer's ODYSSEY (The Underworld)

Pages: LINES 144-297

File: Odyssey-Underworld.pdf


Preparation for first day


1) From the Passages of Presocratic Philosophers (Reading 2), make a list of themes, or subjects of interest, that the philosophers seem to address. Be as specific as possible. For instance, if one philosopher is interested in the ORIGINS OF THE NATURAL WORLD, how does his language reveal what he believes those origins to be? If another philosopher is interested in RELIGION and the NOTION OF GOD, how does his description of the world point to his set of beliefs about that subject?


2) For each philosopher, come up with a critical question - something you would ask the class that would provoke discussion. The question should target a specific passage, or grouping of passages. A good critical question does not have a factual answer. Instead, it leads to a process of reflection about the passage of writing you have in mind.





Writing Wed. 8/15

1. Create a journal or folder for your work. For your first entry, write a "Letter to Myself" about why "The Great Ideas" interest you and what you hope to learn or explore over the course of the program.


2. Students do 2-4 free writes on passages from the Presocratic philosophers. TAs discuss them, either as a class or in smaller groups. How can you start to form a critical question from free writes? How could you begin to shape a free-write into an engaging statement?


3. Begin reading Apology by Plato.

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