Meditations, Title page René Descartes (1596-1650) Cartesian coordinate plane
Reading: Books 1 and 2 of MEDITATIONS: descartes meditations.pdf
(Optional: read through book 6)
On your own: Isolate one example in which Descartes describes the relationship between himself and the world. (Through thinking?/ Through math?/ Through sensation?/ Through feeling?/ Through memory?). Be prepared to summarize your thoughts about this in class.
Writing Mon. 8/20
1. Focus on the structure of an effective essay. How long should a paragraph be? How to write effective transitions? How (and when) to write an introductory paragraph?
2. Draft your essay for next day review.
Preparation for the next day
Read Locke, Second Treatise
Directed Reading **Chapters 2-5 and 7 (pages 8-30, 42-51)
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